

  All posts by Neda Nickzad

The Dreamcatcher

A dream catcher style – unspeakably philosophical, sensory avalanche, evocatively fluid, soulful child, but à la fin, she awakens a lightness of being, leaving you weightless, graceful, and delicate.   Belgin’s oeuvre flows through mediums and painted literature. A distinctive style all her own, she reveals dynamic vignettes of her past, seducing you to look out […]

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1923 1 a85b8 - The Wanderluster

The Wanderluster

Where do you guys go where every corner on earth has been seen by gazillion people before you? Is there somewhere new to discover? Honestly, I am all out of places. But there is one person who curiously comes to mind, Chayan Khoi. I always wondered what it would be like to travel with him, […]

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MothershipConnection2crop - Belle of the Ball

Belle of the Ball

Tiff McGinnis a.k.a Grande Dame, a southern girl from Georgia living and creating on the idyllic seashores of St. Leonard’s-On-Sea, England, embarks daily on adventures of hidden treasures and handmade objects. With her insta-fresh works, she is all fire and passion cloaked in a cosmic sense of humor. Her psychedelic Mecca of interior vignettes, music, […]

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A Class Act

I just love portrait photographs, they are unique because they reveal at least two people connected in their creation: the sitter and the photographer. Neither dominates the other. Thus the image becomes a bargaining between the two, a tango of events that is a product of collaboration. It is the magic of sparks flying from […]

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A Knight in Shining Armour

Once upon a time, on a sweltering summer day in Dubai, I took refuge in the cool AC of Ayyam Gallery. Upon entering, I stood frozen in front of a painting, my heart stopped for the heavenly beat that happens when one’s breath has fleetingly been taken away. Motionless in a state of reverie, trying […]

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The Revolutionary

  I plead guilty to keeping Hossein Rezvani to myself, but his brilliance needs to be shared globally. A proud owner of one of his carpets, I am deadly biased. I feel sinful leaving it on the ground but carefully walk around the edges. His carpets are simply art! Hossein’s skill and mastery breathes new […]

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hushidar mortezai champion series - West Coast to Middle East

West Coast to Middle East

  Hushidar Mortezaie’s experience as a fashion designer, stylist and all around creative mind, enlightens how his unique eye finds insight into subjects and lives for his art that are both historical and modern. Born in Iran but growing up in America, Hushidar was profoundly influenced by the radical style of couture fashion which became […]

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Brush Strokes on Steroids

Kevork Kassabian’s latest body of work gives new meaning to the phrase “life is not black and white; it is a huge splash of color. He reveals a totally new concept. In his words, “they are made by special mix of polymers which takes 7 minutes, a meditative act between me and the polymer. ”These […]

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The Infinity

He is one of the top influential artists of this era, but I prefer to call him a creative genius. Axel Pahlavi’s textures, movement, balance, contrast, proportion, and frighteningly real subjects do not fit in any precept. All I see in his work is endless depth. He turns all of our sensory perceptions inside out […]

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Hot Commodities

Today I turn my focus on the glory of gold and crude oil. Yes, you heard right, crude oil. Soheila Sokhanvari, the “IT” girl of the art world has explored and recreated drawings with the two most precious commodities in the world. They are spontaneous and mesmerizing! She depicts the history of political and personal […]

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